Janneke van Dooren

Party people (18-25 years) wanted for the film Joe Speedboot!

Party people (18-25 years) wanted for the film Joe Speedboot!

(auto-translated from Dutch)

"Joe Speedboot" tells the story of Fransje Hermans, who is confined to a wheelchair after an accident and cannot speak. He develops a boundless fascination for a newcomer in town, Joe Speedboot.

What do we offer?
€50.00 representation fee. Are you ready later than 00:00? Then you will receive €60.00.
In addition, there is of course catering available and you will have an amazing day on set!

professionele productie


For the new feature film Joe Speedboot, based on the book of the same name, we are looking for extras between the ages of 18 and 25 as partying students / final exam students.

Language requirements
Dutch or English

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Expires 30-05-2024