Djotipersad Lachman

"hebzucht/greed" free for amazon subscribers

"hebzucht/greed" free for amazon subscribers



"HEBZUCHT" – A Remarkable International Achievement in Independent Filmmaking

Renowned filmmaker Djoti-Djotipersad Lachman, originally from Suriname and raised in the Netherlands, has successfully brought his latest cinematic film, HEBZUCHT (GREED), to life. Despite numerous challenges, including delays and financial constraints, Djoti’s determination and the unwavering support of his dedicated team have culminated in a film that is now available in over ten countries, including the United States (Greed), United Kingdom (Greed), Germany (Gier), Austria (Gier), Spain (Avaricia), Poland (Chciwość), Italy (Avidità), France (Cupidité), Japan (Goyoku), Sweden (Girighet), the Netherlands (Hebzucht), Belgium (Hebzucht/Cupidité), Australia (Greed), Mexico (Avaricia), and Canada (Greed/Cupidité), and as soon as possible in India (Lalach) via AMAZON PRIME VIDEO – FREE FOR SUBSCRIBERS.

A Labor of Love and Perseverance
Lachman not only served as the writer, producer, and director but also took on multiple roles, including film lighting and makeup, showcasing his versatility and commitment to the project. The entire cast and crew were coached to meet the high standards required for a feature film, with Lachman guiding them every step of the way.

The film’s production was bolstered by the exceptional talents of Director of Photography Moen Poeran and assistant cameramen Robby Dihal and Karan Ramcharen. Glenn Bhoelai provided sound expertise, while Neal Lachman and Kamla Bechoe contributed to the script. The fight scenes, meticulously crafted by Krishna Gopal in collaboration with Lachman, added a thrilling dimension to the narrative. Website designer Mr. John Schouten did an amazing job with his artistic skills. Kalowtie Hansraj and Yashoda Hansraj did the subtitles.

Behind the scenes, the cast and crew went above and beyond their roles, with many contributing selflessly to tasks such as cleaning and preparing meals. Moniek Biharie and Chandra Bea Jaddoe were particularly instrumental in these efforts, ensuring that the production stayed on track. Radjesh Bhoedoe also participated in the preproduction of this film.

Challenges and Triumphs
The journey to complete HEBZUCHT was far from easy. Several key investors and institutions withdrew their support at the last moment, forcing the team to make difficult decisions, including cutting six scenes from the script. However, the passion and dedication of the cast and crew, along with contributions from family, friends, and well-wishers, provided the necessary resources to bring the project to completion.

A significant breakthrough came with the involvement of award-winning music composer Shailendre Bhoelai, whose contributions added a final flourish to the film’s soundtrack. To manage costs, Lachman completed the color correction, and 5.1 surround sound mix in Mumbai, demonstrating his resourcefulness in the face of financial constraints.

A Global Release in a Time of Crisis
Originally intended to be produced in Hindi and English for a broader international release, HEBZUCHT was ultimately completed in Dutch. The team fought hard to secure an international distribution deal through Amazon Prime Video, ensuring that the film reached audiences worldwide despite the severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted plans for a theatrical release.

HEBZUCHT tells the story of a shattered family whose lives collide with the insatiable desires of two ruthless psychopaths. Amid the chaos of addiction and despair, a young girl's quest for love becomes a perilous journey into the heart of darkness.

The talented cast of HEBZUCHT includes Sally Abdelrazek, Dorien Rose Duinker, Angele Roelofs, Hans Dekker, Samuel Hento, Cornel Trouwborst, Bart Leenders, David Wiegel, Andrew van Daele, Karan Ramcharan, Aranka Torbijn, Kamla Bechoe, Ilse Rijnders, Celine von der Meer, Daniel de Bruin, Machiel van der Ham, Barry Altelaar, Leon Smit, Marc Staljansens, Richard Debie, Wim van den Bussche, Mia Diaz, Samira Hasan Mohammed, Chanine van der Velden, Ajay Poeran, Rita Megoe, Carmin Diaz, and Neal Lachman.

HEBZUCHT is now available for FREE streaming on Amazon Prime Video in multiple languages, across countries.

Djoti-Djotipersad Lachman
Writer, Director & Producer
[email protected]

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