The course will run every day from 10:00 to 16:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and until 17:00 on Tuesday and Friday.
Meisner technique is one of the most respected and well-known acting techniques, created in the 20th century by American actor and teacher Sanford Meisner. It focuses on teaching actors to be authentic, spontaneous and to work from their guts. We will cover all the three pillars of the technique - authenticity, truthful emotional preparation and improvisation - and will learn how to work off the other person and stay in the moment, every moment.
If you have studied Method acting, this course will give you a new set of tools with which to approach your work. Please note that this course is intended for committed actors and will require your entire attention.
The course costs €350 including BTW. You can pay in instalments on request and if you are working as a performer already, you can apply for the grant.
Please make an appointment with me for an online call to see if the course is right for you. You can do this by copying and pasting this link: or you can message me on +31639881935. I am happy to answer your questions.
I teach in English but you are welcome to the exercises in Dutch or your native tongue.
Go to or find me on Insta for more info: @meisnerstudioamsterdam.
Overtoom 301
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