(auto-translated from Dutch)
Short film about 2 women playing chess. I make films for my own pleasure and you should mainly see the short film as an opportunity to put down a good acting performance and show your qualities as an actress, so that you can benefit from it yourself. And of course that you enjoy playing.
Of course, the film will only succeed if you, as actresses, perform well:
“The actors are the greatest executors of tone in a film.”
— Alexander Payne
What do we offer?
Travel expenses will be reimbursed + an expense allowance of 50 euros.
semi-professionele productie
Actress wanted for a role in a short film. The short film is about 2 friends who play chess and have a dialogue at the same time. I am looking for a good actress around 30 years old (a little older or a lot younger can also respond of course). Preferably someone who has done an acting training or has a lot of experience with acting.
I judge based on a showreel or videos/short films you've acted in. Your co-star also has an acting degree.
Language requirements
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