(auto-translated from Dutch)
We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers for the Isis Fashion Awards, a unique international fashion show exclusively dedicated to accessory designers with over 180 million views on YouTube.
On Thursday, May 8th 2025, the Isis Fashion Awards will take place in De Koning in Amsterdam. The Isis Fashion Awards is the world's first fashion show dedicated entirely to accessories. Accessory designers are often considered the "underdogs" in the fashion industry, where all the attention and fame usually goes to clothing designers. Many accessory designers feel undervalued and overlooked, but with our fashion show we aim to change this. We want to offer a unique international platform where accessory designers get the recognition they deserve.
Please let us know if you would like to participate as a volunteer in our fashion show. You can do this by sending an email back to me ([email protected])
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Kwame Francis
Isis Fashion Awards
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