Raymond van der Bas
still photography, key grip, camera operator, lighting assistant
Almere / NL
about me
More than 10 years of camera experience at VIROGO Film Productions. Entire project 'In het Vuur van de Storm' - 185 shooting days as first cameraman, in addition to role as executive producer. Since 2010 active as a set and still photographer on film sets from small to large productions. In addition, I can also be used for light and grip work.

ask me for
Shorts, TV-series (drama), Full Features

Atmosphere and portrait photographer pure sang. Social. Involved. Hard worker. Good visual eye. Dynamic camera operator. Sense of motion and emotion!

The Windmill Massacre (2013 teaser)
still photographer
Pellicola / Nick Jongerius

The Lightkeeper (2013)
key grip / still photographer / rigger
Bob Damper

ESC (short - 2013)
still photographer
Sjoerd de Bont

Patches of Thomas (2013)
still photographer
Column Films / Margot Schaap

Nothing More (short - 2013)
still photographer / grip
Sambo & De Bont / Sjoerd de Bont

The Secret Defense (2013)
still photographer
Brothers & Dehzad / Nima Mohaghegh

Estafette d'Amour (2013)
still photographer / best boy / grip
Big Shots / Hugo Metsers

With Apologies for the Inconvenience (2013)
still photographer
Six&Loop / Eva van Zanen

App (2013)
still photographer
2C Film / Bobby Boermans

Patterns (2013)
still photographer
Broertjes&Dehzad / Colin Huijser

Guilty Movie (2012)
still photographer
CanCan Cinema & Umami Media

Silent Ones (2012)
key grip / still photographer
Rotterdam Films / Ricky Rijneke

It Was a Horrible Man (short - 2012)
still photographer
Just Ed & Sjoerd Productions

Carnival of Souls (2012)
still photographer
Noorderwind Productions / Ticho Welschen

Urfeld (2012)
photographer film poster
Corrino Media Group / Maurice Trouwborst

Back (2012)
still photographer
Corrino Media Group / Jenneke Boeijink

The Council (2012)
still photographer / focus puller (2nd)
RJ Media / Fokke Baarssen

9/11 A Love Story (2012)
still photographer
Teunissen-Eskes-Boven / Aaron Jonhston

Sisters (2012)
still photographer
Marloes de Rijke / Marta Abad Blay

Of the World (2012)
still photographer
Taina Moreno / Joppe van Hulzen

The Club of Ugly Children (2012)
still photographer
Teunissen-Eskes-Boven / Jonathan Elbers

GAME (2012)
still photographer
Charles Liburd Films / Miles Roston

RAW (2012)
still photographer
Corrino Media Group / Hugo Metsers

Paul & Vicky (2012)
production assistant / still photographer / key grip Studio
JDPV / Jan Dirk Peereboom Voller

The Unremarkable Life of Hans Boorman (2011)
still photographer
Goldman Movie / Jonathan Herzberg

Desiderata (2011)
still photographer
Goldman Film / Maikel Nijnuis

'In the Fire of the Storm' - 10 part WWII drama series
VIROGO Film Productions - 185 shooting days
Job Title: Executive Producer + Camera Operator
DVD release: March 2010

Canon EOS 5D (Mark II) met bijbehorende lenzen + blimpzak

software knowledge
Abode CS5 - Bridge - AfterEffects - Illustrator - InDesign - Photoshop - Premiere Pro

Drama film, Short film, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series

Raymond van der Bas
Almere / NL
still photography, key grip, camera operator, lighting assistant