Zoe Knops
toneel film musical in commercial
Berkel-Enschot / NL
about me
I am a spontaneous girl with a very musical feeling and a fresh, open appearance. I can sing, dance and act and accompany myself on the piano. I would like to appear in a musical, play, TV series, film or commercial. I also think it would be nice to gain experience as a voice actor. Last year I was in the first children's cast on stage at The Sound of Music as Louisa. That was a great experience! Greetings, Zoë Knops

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Edel figurant

2007-2014 7 years of various dance styles and 2 annual performances from this dance school:
Street dance, show dance and hip hop Dance Masters Van Opstal, with Monique van Opstal.
2013 In collaboration with Scapinoballet production and performance, Dept. Drama and Dance Willem2College, Tilburg
2015 Dance videos Media production Efteling theater
2015-2016 Dance choreography at The Sound of Music
2015-present Weekly ballet lessons for technique at Danserswijk, Leerfabriek Oisterwijk

Singing: Weekly singing lessons (1 hour)
2011-2013 Pien van Gerven, Babette Labeij
2013-2015 Nandi van Beurden, understudy Maria in The Sound of Music and understudy Beauty, Beauty and the Beast
2015-present Sanne Vleugels Music Theater Tilburg

2016-May One of the leading roles, Marie-Louise in musical theater production Roemzoet, anniversary performance 150 years of Willen2College, Concert Hall Tilburg
2015-Dec Extra in the cinema film Heart Beat with Vajén van den Bosch and Tijn van Mainstreet
2015-Sept Promotional film BlueJay drone (TU Eindhoven) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-elTqHwKYqnR2hTdjI5ZTdQek0/view
2015-Nov Act as an extra in the Opera “Mariken in the Garden of Earthly Delights”, Opera2day, Theaters Tilburg.
2014-2015 Musical The Sound of Music first group in the role of Louisa, Albert Verlinde / Stage entertainment
With Anouk Maas, Vajén van den Bosch, Tony Neef, Cindy Bell and Nandi van Beurden

Feature film, Drama for Television / Series, Television, Theatre

Zoe Knops
Berkel-Enschot / NL
toneel film musical in commercial