Tzetzi La...Tzetzi Lazarov • • • 1 w
I'm looking for: film location children's school, march/2025 I'm looking for: film location children's school, march/2025
For a short film recording I am looking for a classroom in a children's school. Area Amsterdam, Almere, Utrecht Filming is scheduled for March/Ap...
amsterdam, NL
te huur gevraagd te huur gevraagd te huur gevraagd
Martijn ...Martijn Van Veen • 1 w • • 1 w
Desk at amsterdam volkshotel broedplaats Desk at amsterdam volkshotel broedplaats
te huur te huur te huur
Heki visu...Heki visueel creative studio • 1 m • • 1 m
Exam project location wanted in/around amsterdam Exam project location wanted in/around amsterdam
For my final exam at the film academy I am looking for a house or terraced house with a living room window that looks out onto the street. The shoo...
tilburg, NL
DBC MediaDBC Media • 1 m • • 1 m
Sigma cine lenses Sigma cine lenses
te koop te koop te koop
Jaap MeesJaap Mees • 6 d • • 6 d
Top 5 films 2024. Top 5 films 2024.
gouda, NL
aankondiging aankondiging aankondiging
Jaap MeesJaap Mees • 1 m • • 1 m
Songs of burnt earth sublieme docu idfa Songs of burnt earth sublieme docu idfa
Mahnaz Se...Mahnaz Sewgobind • 1 m • • 1 m
48h film project eindhoven 48h film project eindhoven
FilmpeopleFilmpeople • • • 2 m
Rogier kramer - labyrint film - wins cfap award 2024 Rogier kramer - labyrint film - wins cfap award 2024
ScriptAca...ScriptAcademy • 3 w • • 3 w
Join the eyeopener! Join the eyeopener!
eye filmmuseum, NL
workshop workshop workshop
Peter De ...Peter De Lange • 1 m • • 1 m
Crew members: join us for various projects! Crew members: join us for various projects!
Anyone who is involved as a crew member (in pre-production, production or post-production and as an amateur or professional) in filmmaking. People ...
apeldoorn, NL
Writers wanted who want to see their script on film! Writers wanted who want to see their script on film!
Anyone who is involved in filmmaking as a writer or has no experience but is interested. You can join in different ways and in different projects o...
De Nederl...De Nederlandse Acteursschool • 1 m • • 1 m
*audition* - the dutch acting school *audition* - the dutch acting school
amsterdam - rotterdam - apeldoorn, NL
Delano Ra...Delano Ramnares • • lowbudget • 2 d
Delano voice/voiceover/acting Delano voice/voiceover/acting
My name is Delano and I am excited to start as a voice/voiceover. Besides my interest in voiceovers I also have a passion for acting and am looking...
den haag, NL
aangeboden lowbudget lowbudget lowbudget
Anner Bie...Anner Biemans • • payed • 1 w
Acting work wanted for short or long film Acting work wanted for short or long film
Dear client, My name is Anner Biemans, and I am looking for acting roles in short and long films or clips. I am available both independently and ...
nijmegen, NL
aangeboden payed payed payed
Noëlle W...Noëlle Wever • • payed • 1 w
Internship wanted - 10 weeks - from february Internship wanted - 10 weeks - from february
INTERNSHIP WANTED - 10 WEEKS - FEBRUARY TO APRIL - HBO Dear reader, My name is Noëlle Wever, I am currently studying Creative Business at the ...
houten, NL
Leonore C...Leonore Cesar • 1 w • payed • 1 w
Victim of accident or perpetrator Victim of accident or perpetrator
An older lady with unexpected temperament, suitable for use in drama or comedy scenes.
amstelveen, NL
Jourwensl...Jourwensley Victoria • • expenses • 59 m
Wanted: creative talents (women) to become actors and actresses Wanted: creative talents (women) to become actors and actresses
Women who want to contribute to our productions as support for actors and actresses, with a special focus on actresses. I believe that a set should...
ik werk flexibel en reis naar locaties zoals utrecht, rotterdam en den haag. of wat makkelijk is voor iedereen , NL
werk expenses expenses expenses
Samson Pi...Samson Pictures • • payed • 6 u
Seeking a gaffer Seeking a gaffer
A Gaffer who excels in a collaborative team environment.
rotterdam en omstreken, NL
werk payed payed payed
Cheyenne ...Cheyenne Schackmann • • unpayed • 2 d
Wanted: sound engineer and sound designer for short film Wanted: sound engineer and sound designer for short film
We are looking for a sound engineer who can mix our short film in 5.1 surround sound and a sound designer to take the sound world of our film to th...
zuid-holland, NL
werk unpayed unpayed unpayed
Jourwensl...Jourwensley Victoria • • unpayed • 2 d
Wanted: creative talents to dream big together and Wanted: creative talents to dream big together and
People who want a chance and want to be seen. People who have a long-term vision and not a short-term vision.
wat makkelijk en centraal is voor iedereen, NL
Kieran Ke...Kieran Kessels • • unpayed • 1 u
Actor wanted for lead role in graduation film Actor wanted for lead role in graduation film
We offer the opportunity to participate in a production by a very enthusiastic group of young filmmakers. In addition, we aim to participate in va...
regio eindhoven - nederweert, NL
cast unpayed unpayed unpayed
Andres PoggiAndres Poggi • • expenses • 1 u
Casting call for short film "the wolf" Casting call for short film "the wolf"
Character Bios - Role options: Jaimie (20 - 30) (Female) A sweet but tough young woman, petite yet strong, she’s been stripped of her innocenc...
cast expenses expenses expenses
Renske Go...Renske Goossens • • unpayed • 5 u
Wanted: extras (18-99) Wanted: extras (18-99)
We are looking for enthusiastic extras! Experience is a plus, but not a requirement. EXTRAS GROUP A (18-30) Extras group A consists of a diverse...
rotterdam/amsterdam, NL
figuratie unpayed unpayed unpayed
Renske Go...Renske Goossens • • expenses • 5 u
Wanted: actrice (45-65) Wanted: actrice (45-65)
We are looking for an enthusiastic actress who feels addressed by this project and would like to collaborate! Experience is a plus, but not a requi...